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Varisha, a hindu name that means lightning or rain. A beautiful name for a creature whose history is steeped in blood, and gore. Her origins are difficult to discern, but it is rumour that she once hailed from the jungles of India. The myth goes, that a tiger once chanced upon a dying woman in the jungles of their home. A soul so tormented, that when absorbed? The creature was driven into a rage by the abuse she had suffered at the hands of her husband, who should have cherished and protected her above all else. So blinded by the anger, the beast slaughtered the man and took protection over the woman of the village. Legend goes, that whenever a woman needed sanctuary, or pleaded to the jungle for help? A storm like no other rolled in across the village-- and it's men folk quickly became victims of the storm's rage. It is said the tiger stained her coat red with the blood of man, and took his wives for herself. Daughters would become mothers, and as mortals passed? The tiger became legend, and a sacred being of protection and vengeance. For a time, the women knew a happiness. Varisha kept a stern order upon her province, and the lands did flourish. At least, until a great war of a neighboring country was brought to the edges of her territory, and the fighting spilled over to take the lives of her wives. It is said one reincarnation of the Emperor discovered the tiger amid a sea of carnage and half mad with grief. The blood of his enemies still drying on her blade, and lightning burning on her tongue. He promised her revenge, and Varisha's appetite for it was insatiable. Once a being of protection, now a creature of war and destruction. The earth quakes under her wrath, and the heavens split with dread at her roar. |
[Super Strength]
LVL ★★★★★ The earth did tremble under her paws-- and it is said she could move mountains with her shoulders. Varisha is capable of great feats of strength, well beyond what is the conventional standard for a mundane creature. She is a unrelenting powerhouse with a considerable amount of stamina and endurance. She packs a punch, and knows how to take a hit. Her size and bulk makes her a slower target. |
[Chain Lightning]
LVL ★★★☆☆ Her very jaws themselves did spill forth a striking blast of raw energy. The jolts from this attack are considered deadly when in full force. Be wary her bite during battle; she has turned many a being to ash against her tongue. Those strange orange crystal teeth, as well as her horns seem to be a conduite for the energy? |
[Thunder Roar]
LVL ★★★★☆ A deafening and terrible bellow that is known to split the heavens and somehow cause hell upon the environment of an area. A clear and sunny day will turn into a storm of horrific proportions. The rain and wind from this effect are unnatural, and those who are sensitive to spiritual energy may notice something ill about the storm. Wild life will often flee the area of this effect for their own safety. Roll Effect
Roll 1d6 for the effect of the storm, 1 being least severe to 6 being catastrophic. Consider 1 a simple storm with light winds and occasional thunder. However 6 would be considered a hurricane, with devastating gales, horrible flooding, and plenty of damage to surroundings. For the length of the storm, multiply the 1d6 roll by 4. This will be the length in hours. |
[Soul Feasting]
LVL ★★★☆☆ For some reason... you find yourself more tired, and drained the longer you keep the company of the creature. Varisha has a passive ability that causes her to drain the energy of your soul the longer she's in the presence of others. She can only minimally rein this ability it, but can not stop it completely. Strenuous actions-- say sex, or combat-- cause your energy to leave your body faster, and with more dangerous effects. NPC's are completely devoured and found like husks with no minds. But a player character won't die, instead... Roll Effect
If you lose a fight to her, roll 1d5 for the effect of losing all your energy. Consider 1 being going unconscious to 5 being your astral form detaching from your physical form. If you hit 5 your body is still alive, but your spirit just won't go back in. You are like a ghost, and require someone to heal your damaged chakra. |
[Animal Handling]
LVL ★★★☆☆ For a beast so terrible, Varishu seems to have a strange gift with soothing wild creatures to her large paws. With her natural affinity to the earth, and her respect for nature? She has been known to make company of the wildlife of new terrains, and uses this ability to learn of the landscapes of her enemies. She has taken several interests in training everything from drakes to lions, and even the occasional steed for her circle of companions. |
LVL ★★☆☆☆ One would think, a being of such strength might not have a great intellect in comparison. You would be wrong. Varisha has spent many eras honing her hunting prowess as a predator and learning to outsmart the enemies of her Emperor. One of her favorite pastimes is letting others think she is nothing but a brute. |
LVL ★★★★☆ Text about the ability. |
LVL ★★★☆☆ Text about the ability. |